Tag Archives: #pursuit

22 Years of Inspiration

I recently shared the following post on social media and was humbled, as well as overwhelmed, by the responses I received. I felt inclined to share this here with hopes that my readers might also be inspired to do great things.

For months I’ve been saying that turning 22 would be a very special birthday for me but I would like to explain just why:

At 22 my mother gave birth to her 2nd child.

At 22 my father had 3 children.

At 22 my dad had 4 children.

At 22 none of my parents had anything more than a high school education.

By 22 most of the girls from my hometown are pregnant/are currently mother’s. (which I’m not saying is a bad thing, just stating facts)

But at 22 I’ve broke the stigmas & statistics that you are a product of your environment or that you have to follow in your parent’s footsteps.

Of the hundreds of murders & deaths I heard of in the year of 2015, I was not one of them. I am alive!

Even though my middle/high school acquaintance lost his life to violence at age 22.

Even though at 22 my friend from elementary/middle school is now facing life in prison for committing the most inexplicable genocide our hometown has ever seen.

Even though these things surround me, they were & are not me!


At 22 I have my own place, car & a job that I absolutely love.

At 22 I’ve traveled more than some do in their entire lives.

At 22 I’ve performed musically & athletically all over the state.

At 22 I’ve been in newspapers & on television for positive things.

At 22 I’m blessed to say I’ve made it 11 times the amount of years doctors said I might live (I was stillborn at birth & they didn’t think I’d live to see 2).

At 22 I’ve beat depression & suicidal thoughts.

At 22 I’m a victor to circumstances some people never survive!



Turning 22 was so much more than just a birthday for me. It was a day to celebrate and remember that God has me here on purpose & for a purpose. Even if it’s just to encourage someone out there today. I’m not trying to brag or make anyone Jealous, I’m trying to make you Zealous to live your life! I’m here to tell you: no matter how old you are, no matter what you’ve been through, no matter what you’ve done, or what anyone else has done, you can make it! You can break generational curses & chains. You don’t have to be what your parents were or do what your friends did. You can be great! You can live life for you! Let my 22 years be a testament of this. Don’t wait until a midlife crisis to start living life. Don’t wait until you can barely walk to decide you want to climb mountains & hills. DO IT NOW!


But I would not be where I am today without the love, support, & prayers of those around me. Because of this I am blessed to say I’m alive, I’m living & I’m living to live again! 22 will be a new year of greatness. #NewEraOfGreatness

Just keep living.



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A Testament Waiting To Happen

It’s amazing how much my life has changed in such a short amount of time. My senior year of high school, our class decided to create a Facebook group to keep everyone informed of important happenings throughout the year and when we graduated we used it to keep track of each other. Every so often someone posts on the page about what nice things are going on in their lives and to ask how life is for everyone else. Today someone did this and I had an opportunity to truly reflect. “How have things been since I graduated?” It’s truly amazing how much has changed. To most of them, I was the girl who did everything she could to succeed, participating in just about everything the school had to offer. I was also the girl who could tell you off in a split second, read you, write you, and erase you with a smile on her face. I wasn’t a bad kid, but I was certainly not one to be messed with. I could hold my own, and I did so very well.

However, as I began to reflect on how much my life has changed since I graduated, I found myself laughing. The activities that I did to pass time and keep me from having to go home early, are the activities I’m doing now as a passion (and soon as a career). The same God I referenced to vulgarly in conversation, I am now using in conversations of worship, praise, and encouragement. The same people that I used to put down and hate, I now pray for and show love towards. Isn’t it funny how finding God can change the dynamics of your very existence? I shared with my former classmates a bit of how God has transformed my life, how I am doing ministry work, getting ready to graduate, and working on several music projects simultaneously. While I know that most of them probably don’t care, it truly is nice to see how much I’ve grown personally. It is also nice to see some of them grow. Some of the same kids I knew who caused far more trouble than I did, have found God or have slowed down in their miscreants as a result of having kids young or getting into serious trouble. While life isn’t picture perfect for any of us, we can all surely say we got the big picture early on in life.

It amazes me that there are people who are twice our age who still don’t have the foggiest of clues where their life is headed. They have no idea what their purpose is in life, working dead-end jobs, or have not lived life to the fullest. But here we are trying to be the anomaly in the grand scheme of life. We are choosing to do more than exist, some of us have decided to live. What a glorious thing it is to live and live life more abundantly! While we don’t all have life all figured out, it is nice to know that compared to some, our generation isn’t so bad. We are in fact growing; the progress is evident for many. I can only describe it as being truly refreshing! As for myself, I still find myself in awe of how God is using me and blessing me in my season of youth. Sometimes I think to myself “Lord if this is where You’ve brought me from in such a short amount of time, I can’t wait to see where You’ll have me in about ten years!” It’s a glorious thing to know that my path is ordered by the Lord. I cannot even begin to fathom my life had I not met and become well acquainted with God, spiritually speaking. It’s so humbling to know that no matter what happens in life, God’s got me in it all.

Thanks for letting me reflect with you all today.

God is love, and love is found in God.


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Posted by on July 7, 2015 in Today's Reflections


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On A Mission From God…

Recently, I was presented the opportunity to go on another mission. I will be traveling to Brazil to help build churches and houses for some of the small, local villages. I am super excited for what God is doing in my life! I am currently seeking help with raising funds. If you or anyone you know would be willing to help finance this trip, please follow the link to donate, and feel free to share this information with others. There is no amount too big or too small. I am truly grateful to have this opportunity and I know with the help of my friends, family, and fellow bloggers, this Mission from God will be made possible. Thanks in advance for the support and help!

In His Service,


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Posted by on May 21, 2015 in Uncategorized


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What will your life reflect once it’s all said and done? Will you be able to say that you lived a life that matters or will you die leaving nothing but decaying remnants and a few solace memories? What will you be remembered for?

If I do nothing with this life I’m living, I want to have lived to make a difference. I want to leave an impact that touches the world in a way profound and lasting. I’m not looking for the world to remember my name, but I want them to remember the legacy and influence my living helped create. I’m living to be a difference.

Now ask yourself, what is it that you’re living for?



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Why Not?

Why is it that we’d rather hear about our youth going out partying than going to church?

Why do we prefer hearing about them sleeping around than taking vows of abstinence?

Why would we rather hear about them doing drugs than doing the will of God?

Why do we prefer them to have babies out of wedlock than to get an education?

Why do we prefer them to sell drugs in the street than to working two jobs to pay for school?

Why do we prefer they collect welfare and do nothing with their lives than to have extraordinary dreams, goals, and ambitions?

Why do we prefer them to be out so late clubbing on Saturday’s that they sleep through Sunday services than for them to serve in the local church?

Why do we put emphasis on the amount of “swag” they purchase than teaching them the value of tithing and saving?

Why have we lowered the standards of greatness and excellence?

Why don’t we push our youth to do better?

Why don’t we tell them that they are worth more than their weight in gold, that true love is worth the wait, that their lives matter more than any of this worldly wealth?

Why don’t we tell them that they are beautiful no matter their shape, size, or shade?

Why don’t we tell them that there’s more to success than just getting decent grades?

Why don’t we teach them the value of living life to the fullest, traveling the world, making a difference?

Why don’t we tell them that they can be more than their fathers and mothers ever dared to dream?

Why don’t we tell them that they are important and that they can amount to something?

Why don’t we tell them that they have a soul that can be saved and that no matter their mistakes or circumstances they can be redeemed?

Why don’t we tell them that they are loved?

That they are important?

That their lives matter?

That they are valued?

Why don’t we tell our youth these things?

Why don’t we tell them these things that are true?



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Saving Lives

I spent my entire life thinking that there was only one way to save lives. Oh how wrong I was. I have spent twenty years wanting to pursue a career in medicine, specifically neurosurgery. Although I took a few medical related classes in high school, and even went as far as nationals for impromptu speaking in a medical competition, there was always something else preoccupying my life and heart as well. I was involved in nearly every extra-curricular activity you could possibly think of throughout my academic career, but none of these things brought me nearly as much joy as my music did. I remember learning my first song on keyboard when I was about six. An older cousin had been taking a piano class in high school, so his parents bought him a keyboard. He spent day in and day out trying to get Beethoven’s Fifth nailed, but would always miss this one note. It drove me insane! One day I found one of those little pianos with the colorful xylophones on top and I couldn’t get the tune out of my head. I began to play this song, without any foreknowledge of how to actually play the instrument. Although I am no pianist today, I came to realize that that was one of the first “aha” moments that I would spend the rest of my life working with music in some capacity. From then on I would spend years singing in choirs, directing various forms of them, being in just about every band I could get in to, playing saxophone for ten years, producing and directing different aspects of theater. How can I deny how instrumental my music has been in my life? I joke with friends, but in seriousness “you name it, I’ve done it”. There was just something about music, it gives me more adrenaline than any race I’ve ever ran competitively.

I came to college thinking that I would put away my “hobbies”, lay down my sax, give up my singing, stop working on plays, and technical things to focus on my desires to become a world renowned surgeon. I had all of these plans and thoughts of how I would spend my life. Never once did I consult God and ask Him “Is this the plan that You have for my life?”

It’s truly funny how life works. You spend your whole life doing one thing, thinking that one day you’ll grow out of it and do what your heart desires. But what is it that God desires? When I got accepted into the university I attend, I was put into a new program that would allow students to attend spring and summer (as opposed to the tradition fall, spring schedule), specialize in one of the twenty three “handpicked” pre-specialized majors (including pre-med, pre-law, pre-business, etc.), all while attending the school that I had dreamed of going to since I was in diapers. I thought to myself, this is my dreams come true, this is my plan coming to life. My dream was coming true. I turned down hundreds of thousands of dollars in scholarships, just to come to this school. I didn’t realize that this fancy program, that sounded oh so good to everyone who was in the inaugural class, would actually be the predecessor for God shifting the plans of my life into what He had planned.

The school didn’t realize when they came up with this program that having medical track students go only spring and summer terms would throw them off course to take MCATs before their graduation dates, leaving them to either have to change majors or take a year and a half off after graduation (the dreaded gap year). They didn’t know that having to triple up on college level sciences would cause the majority to nearly fail all of their classes and come close to flunking out of school. They didn’t know that the majority who got accepted into this program would end up changing their majors or transferring schools because it would be nearly impossible to stay pre-med with the schedule they had in place. So what did that mean for me? This meant having to change majors. I spent over a year fighting the fact that I wouldn’t become a doctor in the manor that I had planned for my life.

One day I got so frustrated I said “Lord! What do you want from me? I’m trying the best that I can and it’s still not good enough? It seems like this school is trying to set me up to fail, they’re screwing all of us over! God what am I supposed to do?” His reply was fairly simple: “Trust Me.”

What? With all that was going on all I was supposed to do was trust God? I guess He did say in His word to trust in Him with all my heart and He would renew my strength, but could it all be that simple? So I did what He said do, I put my trust in Him and said “Let Your will be done”. Since then I changed my major to something I spent forever fighting against changing to. But do you know that it opened up doors for me to be able to do the one thing that has brought me joy all of my life? Pursue my music. I now go to a church where I not only serve in production through lights and sound, as I did in high school, but they are further training and helping me enhance my ministry gift. So not only am I blessing God with my talents, but He is preparing me for the work that He has in store for me. I got a second job working for our school’s main arena, where I not only help stage major performances and get backstage access to some of the major events, but I am now in the process of training for an apprenticeship to do setups and runs for any of our major speaking events at our school (ie when the president of our school or anyone else needs to hold press conferences, or if they need PA set up for concerts, games, or other venues, I will be the one doing it!) Isn’t God good? To make it even better, God blessed me with a mentor who has a background career in music professionally. One day God gave me a vision to do production work professionally with my music and working major Christian concert events. He gave her an almost identical vision to run a major concert managing company and we will be working in tandem on a major upcoming project. So while I spent so much time fighting for the opportunity to save lives through medicine, I should have been relinquishing my will to God’s.

He still wants me to save lives, but I had no idea that it would be in a different way. I will be saving lives by helping to save their soul for Christ. What better way to save lives than by saving them for the purpose of glorifying God? I will be starting a Christian music production and event coordinating company that will unite hundreds, and thousands, and millions so souls together as one through the praising and worshiping of God! What more could one ask for? If someone would have told me ten years ago, heck even five, that I wouldn’t be studying medicine right now, I probably would have slapped them in the face and told them to silence themselves. Yet here I am today, happier than I’ve been in years with my decision to make a change and trust God with my life. I don’t know how far He’s going to take me with my endeavors, but I do know that with God, I cannot fail! With Him I can do all things, and I shall do all things. Whatever He asks of me, I will do. So really, I may not be bringing people back to life with medical healing, but I am preparing to do Godly healing and bringing their soul to life with my first love, music. I couldn’t think of a better way to spend the rest of my life. Why He chose to bless me the way that He has I will never know, but God am I grateful! If you’re struggling with finding your identity or purpose in this world, please know that you’re not alone. Go to God and ask Him what His desires and plans are for your life, and willingly allow Him to do greater works in your life. Let Him guide and lead you to the path He has predestined you, and I promise you won’t spend another day of your life regretting the decision to pursue your happiness. Stay blessed in all that you do.

Saving lives,



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Not All Bad

Bad things happen to bad people.

Good things happen to bad people.

Good things happen to good people.

And bad things can happen to good people.

Why? It is my strong belief that everything happens for a reason. This would entail the good, the bad, and the indifferent. So many people question this occurrence in the perspective of religion, why would someone so merciful and perfect allow bad things to happen to His children? The very children He claimed to love so much that He sent His son to die for us? If He was such a good God why would He let His son die in the first place? What kind of Father would love His son so much to murder Him?

The answer is simple. He did not murder His son, He sacrificed Him. It is my belief, based biblically, that we reap what we sow; meaning the good, the bad, and everything in between. God allows things to happen for one of two reasons: it is a part of our reaping process or it is being used to perfect us for greater. God does not desire suffering for His children, however He will allow things to happen to you in order to use your circumstances as a testimony. There are numerous examples in which God shows us that we reap what we sow. Know this, if you sow good you will reap a good harvest. If you sow bad good you will reap a bad harvest. If you feel that God is testing you and you have sewn well, ask yourself if He’s “cursing” you or blessing you.

Tests are used to prove how prepared you are for the next level, they are used to promote you to greater. Think about it. How many tests did you have to take in grade school in order to get promoted to the next grade or to get to the next level or to get into college? You didn’t refuse these tests. Why? Because you wanted to make it to the next level. You were motivated to pass in order to make it to the level you desired to be at. You wanted to be greater so you prepared, you stayed up all night studying and taking even practice tests to ensure that you’d make it to that next level. So why is it that when God comes in to test you, you complain and moan and feel as though the forces of opposition or the adversary are in place to break you. Why do people feel that spiritual tests are “struggles” used to keep you bound? Even God’s most faithful followers were tested. Jesus was tested, He didn’t have to die in the cross but He did so willingly. Why? Because He knew that the reaping of His persecution would bring the greatness that is salvation. It brought the very salvation that tore the veil allowing the world to have access to the Father, it thereby promoted Jesus to heaven for eternity ever after.

People quickly refer to the story of Job. Why would God allow a servant who gave his entire existence to Him to suffer? First off, He didn’t “allow” Job to suffer in any way, He allowed him to be tested to prove that He was worthy of a greater anointing. At the end of Jobs testing, he reaped what he sowed. His perseverance in Christ allowed Him to reap a bountiful harvest for the rest if His days. Job was blessed innumerably for the rest of his life, even more blessed than he was previously. He was more blessed than all the blessings everyone else is quick to perceive as being stripped away from Him. He reaped well because he tested well. In order to make room for this blessing he had to endure all that he did, and it was more than worth it. Because he chose to continue living for God, he was able to reap after passing the most challenging of tests.

At the end of it all, everything happens for a reason. So before we blame God, it would be in our best interest to assess the situation. Are we going through because we brought this on ourselves, or is it because we are in the preparation stages for something greater? What your going through can only be crippling and permanent if you allow it to be. With God all things can be overcome.

Keep the Faith,



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Encourage Your Future

Encourage our youth! Never tell them their incapable of achieving their dreams. Some of the greatest leaders have defied all odds to fulfill their purpose. We look at people like Albert Einstein, one of the most brilliant scientists in the world. He battled with learning disabilities, based on the labels the education system gave him. Yet because he had the will power to defy other’s perception, he is now known for the greatness that we know today in scientific development. We see today that not all of our youth have the confidence to do greater, as we saw with Einstein. Why? Because from birth they are told that they are nothing and will never accomplish anything, and they believe it. They are told that their dreams are unattainable, that they will be “just like” this person or “just like” that person. But what would the world be like if we built up our children from birth? What if we told them that they CAN in fact do anything they set their minds to? You can do all things through Christ Jesus who strengthens you! Be strong in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart. All things are possible to him who believe! We as a whole need to begin raising up a society of believers, and not doubters. Stop telling our children what they can and can’t do simply because you haven’t accomplished your dreams. Stop putting labels on our youth before they even have the opportunity to discover who and what they are predestined to be. Our children are our future, help make it bright by promoting positive outlooks on every situation.Inspire word cloud

Youth, you have the ability to prove the world wrong! You are whatever and whoever you say you are. If you believe that you can build houses on the moon, don’t let anyone get in the way of achieving your goals. Go out, make a plan to do whatever it is that you have set your mind to do, and DO IT! Let nothing get in the way of your success and achievement. The blind can’t lead the blind. If you have no vision how can you tell someone else how to achieve theirs or that their view isn’t good enough? Telling someone that their dreams are unobtainable, when you have yet to create or achieve any of your own, is the equivalent of Stevie Wonder walking up to someone, asking them for a depiction of the sky, and simply telling them that what they’re saying isn’t an accurate description. How can you do that if you can’t see for yourself and never have been able to see? Stop corrupting the views of our youth! The sky’s not merely the limit, it’s just the point of view. They say the thing that you go to bed thinking about, the thing that you dream about most, the thing you wake up wanting to do: that’s the thing you should spend the rest of your life doing. This is what we call having Passion. When you have passion let nothing get in the way of it. Never lose hope in finding yourself trying to be whom or what everyone else wants you to be. Be yourself, love yourself, nourish your vision, and do everything you can to maintain and keep YOUR happiness. You ARE destined for greatness! And I advise you to stop at nothing until you achieve and perfect it. Be blessed in all that you do and remember God has called you to do greater.

Encouraging my future,



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Pursue Your Happiness

Not everyone comes from the womb knowing exactly what they want to do with their life. I like to look look at the main character from the movie, The Pursuit of Happyness, portrayed by actor Will Smith. He was a grown man filled with potential but had no idea where or what all it could be used for. It took a move of boldness to break the chain of monotony of simply providing for his family with dead end jobs, and choosing to find his happiness. He didn’t want to just survive anymore, he decided it was time to maximize his potential.

Never discourage anyone from following their dreams, no matter how whimsical it may seem to you. You never know where the power of a dream with a little motivation may lead. Some of the greatest achievements of our country have been cultivated by dreamers who lacked support by those around them, but continued to persevere anyway. While some are capable of achieving without moral backing, imagine how much easier it would have been to accomplish their goals had they had a team of support pushing them along on their journey. One of the greatest quotes in my opinion comes from this movie and it says:

“Don’t ever let somebody tell you ‘you can’t do’ something. Not even me….You have a dream, you have to protect it. People can’t do something themselves, they want to tell you ‘you can’t do it’. You want something go get it, period.”-Pursuit of Happyness

Let nothing get in your way. Nothing and NO ONE! Live life for you and for God and never stop pursing your happiness. If you believe, you surely can achieve! And never forget that you are called for greater.

Be blessed, ZDSD


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