Monthly Archives: October 2016

It was meant to be…

No one wants to be reminded that their life, their existence, wasn’t meant to be. My life wasn’t planned, and in some cases it wasn’t wanted. It used to hurt me to know that there were people in this world who hated me even before my conception. But this is life. No one wants to be reminded that their life was an inconvenience but the reality is while it was an unfortunate intrusion to man, it was a planned arrival from God. I have to remind myself that on days like this. While I was an unwarranted product of teen pregnancy, I thank God for my life. I could have been aborted, but God had a plan for my life. He has a plan for my siblings’ lives and everyone else in my family for that matter. I do not know why God unfolds the hand he deals so methodically, but I trust His plan for my life. It isn’t easy knowing reality as it may be…but life isn’t easy nor is it fair. My life is for a purpose, I was birthed on purpose…even if the circumstances weren’t ideal for my mother and father. But thank God that I am here. I have lived a good life…no a great one, but this is only the beginning. There is so much more for me to do and with Him by my side it won’t matter who disapproved of my existence. One day I hope to look back with pride, pride that I made it through. Pride that I can share with others: that no matter where you come from, the circumstance or the situation that brought you here…YOU WERE MEANT TO BE. That’s all that matters.

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Posted by on October 9, 2016 in Encouragement, Uncategorized


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